Yeondoo Jung
76 rue de Turenne : 15 May - 30 July, 2010
La Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin organise l’exposition personnelle de l’artiste coréen Yeondoo Jung, Innerscape, du 15 mai au 30 juillet 2010, en collaboration avec la Kukje Gallery, Séoul. A travers films, installations, performances et photographies, Yeondoo Jung révèle l’envers de l’image. Oscillant entre fiction et réalité, les œuvres de Yeondoo Jung interroge la photographie et le cinéma, dévoilant ce qui ne doit pas être visible, la mise en scène/le décor. Le spectateur ainsi déstabilisé traverse le miroir des apparences et son imagination décèle peu à peu le vrai (le dispositif) du faux (la représentation), comme dans Fictions de Borges.
Fasciné par Georges Méliès, Yeondoo Jung a présenté à 2 reprises en 2009 (au Yokohama Museum of Arts et au festival Performa 09 à New York) une performance intitulée CineMagician où un magicien réalisait un film devant le public, au moyen de différents trucages. Le film et la performance sont montrés à la Galerie.
SIXPOINTS (2010) « anime » des images fixes en trompe-l’oeil prises dans 6 quartiers de New York, par un travelling interne où seules les ombres se déplacent dans une lumière irréelle/artificielle.
Dans le film de 85 mn, Documentary Nostalgia (2008), 6 scènes de rue, d’intérieurs ou bucoliques sont déconstruites minutieusement par un lent making of. L’authenticité de nos souvenirs et la véracité de nos expériences sont soumises au simulacre.
Enfin, la série de photographies Locations (2006–2010), place des personnages dans des compositions en apparence idylliques où un élément, parfois infime, déjoue l’illusion.
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, organises the solo show of the Corean artist Yeondoo Jung, Innerscape, from 15 May to 30 July, 2010, in collaboration with Kukje Gallery, Seoul. Through films, installations, performances and photographs, Yeondoo Jung reveals the other side of the image. Oscillating between fiction and reality, Yeondoo Jung’s works question photography and cinema by revealing what should not be visible - the staging and the décor. The destabilized spectator cuts through the mirror of appearances and their imagination discerns the real (the set) from the fake (the representation), as in Borges’ Fictions.
Fascinated by Georges Méliès, in 2009 Yeondoo Jung twice presented a performance entitled CineMagician (at the Yokohama Museum of Arts and the Performa Festival 09 in New York) where a magician makes a film in front of an audience by means of various special effects. The film and the performance are being shown at the Gallery. SIXPOINTS (2010) “animates” still images in trompe-l’oeil taken in six New York neighborhoods through an internal tracking shot where only shadows move with an unreal / artificial light.
In the 85 min film, Documentary Nostalgia (2008), six street, interior or pastoral scenes are meticulously deconstructed through a slow “making of”. The authenticity of our memories and the veracity of our experiences are subjected to pretence. Lastly the series of photographs Locations (2006–2010), places characters in compositions that appear idyllic, but where an element, at times miniscule, foils the illusion.
Yeondoo Jung was born in 1969, Jinju, Korea. He lives and works in Seoul, Korea. Public Collections : ArtSonje Center, Seoul, Korea ; The Calder Foundation, New York ; Estee Lauder Corporation, New York ; Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan ; Gyeonggido Museum of Art, Ansan, Korea;
Joddes Collection, Pharmascience, Montreal, Canada ; Joy of Giving Something Foundation, New York ; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea ; New Line Cinema, New York ; Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, Georgia, USA ; Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea ; Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Korea ; Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio de Modena, Italy. Solo Exhibitions : Modern Mondays, MoMA, New York ; Tina Kim Fine Art, New York ; National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea ; ACA Gallery, Atlanta / Red Gallery, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA ; Galeria Espacio Minimo, Madrid, Spain ; Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea ; Tina Kim Fine Art, New York ; Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea ; Gallery Loop, Seoul, Korea ; 1A Space, Hong Kong ; Koyanagi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan ; Gallery Loop, Seoul, Korea. GroupExhibitions:OneFineDay’,RodinGallery,Seoul;PeppermintCandy:ContemporaryKoreanArt,MuseodeArteContemporaneo,Santiago,Chile;NationalArtMuseumofChina,Beijing,China;ArtBitGallery,Seoul,Korea; SejongMainHallofMuseumofFineArt,Seoul,Korea;DaelimContemporaryArtMuseum,Seoul,Korea;KunsthalleWien,Vienna,Austria;Govett-BrewsterArtGalleryNewPlymouth,NewZealand;Luxemburg2007,Luxemburg andGreaterRegion;ZKM,Karlsruhe,Germany;Mucsarnok/Kunsthalle,Budapest,Hungary;MUHKA,Antwerp,Belgium;CellProjectSpace,London,UK;DaeguePhotoBiennale2006:ArtsinPhotography,PhotographyinArts, DaeguKorea;DomusArtium2002,Salamanca,Spain;AsianArtHouse,London,UK;TaipeiBiennial,Taipei,Taiwan;StichtingStorm,Utrecht,Holland;ARCOGallery,Seoul,Korea;KwanghoonGallery,Seoul,Korea;Museumfur Ostasiatische Kunst, Berlin, Germany ; Korean Pavilion, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy ; Entenhalle, Zurich, Switzerland ; Charlottenborg Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark ; Fotograpie Forum International, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ; K-Art Space, Seoul, Korea ; IEUM Gallery, Beijing, China ; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago ; ArtSonje Center, Seoul, Korea ; Art in General, New York ; Blue Coat Art Centre, Liverpool, UK ; Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea ; Deutsche Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, Germany ; Total Museum, Seoul, Korea ; Korea Gallery, New York ; Cais Gallery, Seoul, Korea ; Art Sonje Center, Seoul, Korea ; Noren Market Place, Okinawa, Japan ; Istanbul Biennale, Istanbul, Turkey ; De Appel Center for Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, Holland ; Kunstforeningen, Copenhagen, Copenhagen ; Guardian Garden Gallery, Tokyo, Japan ; Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea ; Japan Foundation/Tokyo Opera City Gallery, Tokyo, Japan ; Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China ; le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France ; «City Scape», Busan Biennale, Busan, Korea ; Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, Korea ; Fukuoka Triennale, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan ; Project Space 4, Dublin, Ireland ; East Modern Art Center, Beijing, China ; Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea ; Art Sonje Center Seoul, Korea ; National Gallery of Tirana, Tirana, Albania ; British Embassy, Seoul, Korea ; Space Big Art, Yokohama, Japan ; Ssamzie Art Space, Seoul, Korea/ Lance Fung Gallery, New York ; Posco Art Museum, Seoul, Korea ; Seoul City Subway 7th Line Train, Seoul, Korea ; Art Project Space 4X4, Amsterdam, Hollland ; The Korean Culture & Art Foundation Gallery, Seoul, Korea; Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea ; Galangga Club, London, UK ; Hotel-Kunstraum, Zurich, Switzerland ; Ein Harrod Museum, Tel Aviv, Israel ; Yokohama Portside Gallery, Yokohama, Japan ; Galeria Municipal da Mitra, Lisbon, Portugal ; Galerie Fruchtig, Frankfurt, Germany ; la Grande Arche, Paris, France ; Fringe Club, Hong Kong ; Sackvill Gallery, London, UK.
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